🎥 Spotlight Question: Watch the Latest Answer from Dr. Valerie Hanft


Every week, we feature a new expert answer to one of your skincare questions! Watch board-certified dermatologist Valerie Hanft, MD break down the latest topic in our Ask the Derm series.

📌 Latest Question Answered: “How does AO2 help beyond acne?”

👉 Watch the video before submitting your own question below!

Ask The Derm

Got a skincare question? Submit it here for our Ask the Derm series! Board-certified dermatologist Valerie Hanft, MD, will answer selected questions in upcoming videos. Please note: This is for informational purposes only and is not a substitute for professional medical advice.

Your questions, answered

Join Ask the Derm and get trusted, expert advice from Valerie Hanft, MD.


Disclaimer: Informational Purposes Only

Ask the Derm is a series intended for informational and educational purposes only. Valerie Hanft, MD, will not provide personalized medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. The answers provided are general in nature and should not replace consultation with your personal healthcare provider or dermatologist. Submitting a question does not create a doctor-patient relationship with Valerie Hanft, MD, or AO2 Clear.

For specific concerns or medical emergencies, please consult a licensed healthcare provider in your area. All responses are based on general dermatology principles and may not apply to everyone’s unique situation. By submitting a question, you acknowledge and agree that your question may be used in public content created by AO2 Clear and Valerie Hanft, MD. Your personal information will NOT be shared publicly and we will use a nickname as we mention your question.

Ask the Derm faqs

Is this medical advice?

No. The answers provided by Dr. Valerie Hanft are for informational purposes only and are not personalized medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.

Will my question be answered privately?

Submitted questions may be used publicly in the Ask the Derm series. If selected, personal information will NOT be shared. You can put a nickname in the “nickname” field. 

What if I have a medical emergency or need specific advice?

Please contact a licensed healthcare provider for any urgent or personal medical concerns.

What is Ask the Derm?

Ask the Derm is an educational video series featuring Dr. Valerie Hanft, a board-certified dermatologist, answering skincare questions submitted by our audience.

Who is Dr. Valerie Hanft?

Dr. Valerie Hanft is a board-certified dermatologist with years of experience in treating a variety of skin concerns, from acne to sensitive skin. She’s passionate about helping people achieve healthier skin.

The sponges have also been designed to give you gentle exfoliation that can help clear your pores of dead skin cells and make way for our oxygen nanobubbles to get to work. If you notice any persistent redness or irritation it is likely that your skin needs less exfoliation and we recommend switching to a cotton round or fine gauze instead.

Is this series free?

Yes! Submitting a question and accessing the Ask the Derm content is completely free for AO2 Clear subscribers.

How do I submit a question?

Fill out the form on this page with your skincare question, and Dr. Hanft will answer it in a future video.

Can I submit multiple questions?

Yes, you can submit as many questions as you’d like, but due to volume, we may not answer all submissions.

How will I know if my question is selected?

If your question is selected, it will be answered in a public Ask the Derm video. We will not contact you individually unless additional consent is needed.

Will Dr. Hanft answer every question?

While we aim to answer as many questions as possible, only select submissions will be addressed in the video series.

What kind of questions can I ask?

You can ask general skincare-related questions, such as those about acne, sensitive skin, product recommendations, and oxygen skincare. Avoid submitting personal medical concerns.

Where can I watch the videos?

Videos will be shared on our website and AO2 Clear’s social media channels.

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