2 Years, 2 Ingredients. Our acne-fighting, anti-inflammatory, clinically proven Oxygen Nanobubble Skin Therapy is revolutionizing skincare—delivering real results without compromise

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Watch as board-certified dermatologists, estheticians, and medical professionals reveal how oxygen nanobubbles transform skin—and why AO2 Clear is their go-to recommendation.



Hear directly from our happy customers who’ve experienced the incredible benefits of AO2 Clear.



Learn from board-certified dermatologists about the science behind AO2 Clear and why it’s a game-changer in skincare.


AO2 Clear beyond the treatment of acne

Discover how AO2 Clear not only fights acne but also hydrates, soothes, and revitalizes your skin.


"I saw a reduction in my acne in only 2 weeks, with my skin becoming 100% acne-free in only 8 weeks. This product really gave me part of my life back after over a decade of nothing working. I tell literally everyone I know about this product!!!”


“I enjoy using AO2 considering that my skin got very dry from acne treatments, and I wanted something that is good for acne without harsh chemicals and over-drying.”


"AO2 Clear truly gave me my confidence back! After struggling with hormonal acne, eczema and the most sensitive skin, I was skeptical, but it exceeded all expectations. I will never not use this in my routine. I 1000% recommend!"


"I just started using AO2 a couple of weeks ago and I can already see a difference. My pores on and around my nose have gotten smaller and the tone of my face has really improved. It also feels really good during application and after I use it for the next couple of hours. My teenage kids also really like it and have noticed an improvement in their complexions. I look forward to using it each day."

— Sharon

"Total game changer. I’ve had sporadic issues with acne all my life… no more. Thanks to A02 now my skin is happy and healthy and clear, 100% of the time."

— Alex

"I love this product!!! I have been using it for 3 weeks now and, only after a few days, I noticed how clean and hydrated my skin felt. After one use my skin felt softer. I use it every morning and evening right after cleansing my face. I even started my husband on it and he also loves the way his skin feels after he puts it on. Go for it!!!!"

— Sonia

How-to-use FAQs

Is AO2 Clear safe for everyone?

Yes. AO2 Clear is completely safe for all people and all skin types. It’s even safe to use while pregnant, nursing or trying to conceive.

What results can I expect to see on my skin?

With consistent use your skin should be clearer, more hydrated, evenly textured, brighter, and overall healthier and better nourished. You should not experience the drying or irritation that accompanies many traditional acne products like Retin-A.

What side effects are associated with AO2 Clear?

Because AO2 Clear is only oxygen and distilled water, there is no potential for irritation or other adverse reactions.

How often should I use AO2 Clear?

We recommend using it twice daily after washing and drying your face with a mild cleanser. Each pouch is measured to provide 18 applications, twice daily for two weeks.

How long before I see results?

If using AO2 Clear consistently twice daily, you should start to see improvement within the first two weeks. Because oxygen acts as a natural antibacterial against the specific bacteria that causes acne inflammation the preventative benefits act cumulatively—the longer you use the product, the more benefit you can expect to see—clarity, hydration, and even texture.

Do I have to use the provided sponges for application?

The sponges are sized to hold the correct amount of AO2 Clear for each application making it easy to administer an equal amount twice daily for two weeks. 

The sponges have also been designed to give you gentle exfoliation that can help clear your pores of dead skin cells and make way for our oxygen nanobubbles to get to work. If you notice any persistent redness or irritation it is likely that your skin needs less exfoliation and we recommend switching to a cotton round or fine gauze instead.

Can I reuse sponges? What about the tray?

We recommend you use a fresh sponge with each application. A previously used sponge can harbor bacteria (either removed from your skin during the AO2 application or aerosolized in the bathroom). If you reuse the same sponge later you are risking adding bacteria back to your skin surface.

Your sponge is also compostable so you don’t need to worry about filling up the landfill.  Toss them in your compost or the trash as they will biodegrade.

For the tray, you can reuse it. We recommend you wash the trays with soap and water and store them in a drawer or cabinet. Because they are not as porous as the sponges, a quick clean between uses will minimize any bacterial growth.

What if I forget to put the cap back on the pouch?

Closing the cap quickly and tightly is a critical step in ensuring maximum product effectiveness for the duration of each two week pouch. If left open the nanobubbles will begin to rise to the surface and pop, decreasing oxygen concentration in the solution. Without a high oxygen concentration AO2 Clear will not work as well, so please close quickly and tightly. 

Do I have to give up my existing skin care routine to use AO2 Clear?

Nope! Because AO2 Clear is a unique and hyper clean product it fits right into your existing routine, whether that’s cleanse and go a multi-step regimen. Start with your favorite cleanser, then apply AO2 Clear and allow the solution to air dry. Don’t be afraid of a few drips, it will dry quickly and your face won’t be wet long. After that you can apply whatever creams or serums you like. 

Can I use other acne treatments while using AO2 Clear?

Because AO2 Clear’s hyper clean formula consists of just distilled water and oxygen nanobubbles that clear and hydrate your skin you can use it in conjunction with other treatments. But, many of our study participants and customers found it unnecessary to continue their other treatments because of how effective and gentle AO2 Clear is on their skin. For advice on any prescription medication changes, please contact your medical or healthcare provider.

Do you recommend any different usage based on skin type or acne severity?

We find that people with sensitive skin or severe or very inflamed acne should apply using light pressure so as not to irritate your skin with the sponge texture. Those who don’t have sensitive skin and/or have a lot of blackheads and whiteheads can press more firmly for more exfoliation. For your personal medical concerns please seek the advice of your medical or healthcare provider.

How is AO2 Clear different from other products that deliver oxygen to the skin?

AO2 Clear is the only topical acne treatment that contains just oxygen and distilled water. It’s also the only product to harness nanobubble technology for such an extraordinarily high gradient of oxygen pressure. No other product is as clean and powerful.

Is skin purging real?

The short answer is no. You would be hard-pressed to find any discussion of skin purging in peer-reviewed medical literature.

Unfortunately, this notion has been perpetuated by the skincare world (and occasionally even by dermatologists in popular magazines/internet articles). It is a myth that the skin goes through a detox stage after the introduction of a new product. Toxins are generally not processed and released through the skin. Eliminating toxins is a job primarily for the liver and kidneys.

Now how did this theory of skin purging become so ingrained in the beauty world?

It is likely due to confusion with another well-documented and proven reaction known as retinization. This is an adjustment period that the skin may experience in response to an agent that affects skin turnover. As suggested by the name, this reaction most commonly occurs after starting a retinoid which is a derivative of Vitamin A. Tretinoin (Retin-A), retinol, adapalene (Differin), and isotretinoin (Accutane) are a few common examples. It can also occur with alpha and beta hydroxy acids, salicylic acid, and benzoyl peroxide. Redness and flaking are the classic features of retinization. If the application of the retinoid is not too frequent or intense, these symptoms should resolve within 3-4 weeks. Generally, breakouts are not common as part of this reaction unless the user is applying moisturizers to combat the dryness, and the moisturizers themselves are triggering the breakouts.

Where does AO2 Clear fit in?
We know that a low oxygen state can impede turnover of the lining of the skin pore leading to the formation of the blackhead. AO2 Clear delivers oxygen to the pore and, thus, corrects this turnover issue. So, in theory, a retinization-like adjustment period could occur while the skin acclimates to the new treatment. However, in our market study and from the data we have obtained since AO2 Clear came to market, we have found only isolated reports of dryness or irritation. Furthermore, it is unclear if the solution itself was the culprit. It is likely that the hydrating properties of oxygen account for the lack of irritation seen clinically.

What should you do if you notice any irritation after starting AO2 Clear?
It goes without saying that it is worth checking to make sure the irritation is not caused by another product or medication. Also consider the sponges: even though they are composed of pure cellulose without any additives, there is a small possibility that someone could react to them. We suggest substituting 100% cotton rounds (or some other product you know you tolerate) to apply the solution. If the irritation persists, then use AO2 Clear every other day and increase the use of a moisturizer you tolerate well. Remember, the retinization process is temporary and should resolve within a few weeks. If you’re still having issues beyond this timeframe, contact us to arrange a refund. Rest assured though—we haven’t had any users who followed the above suggestions and still noticed irritation.

What if I notice new breakouts after starting AO2 Clear?
This is likely not due to the process of retinization as breakouts are not a common feature. Some suggestions:
First, we recommend you incorporate AO2 Clear into your existing routine rather than replacing all other products at once. Sometimes, we are not aware that other steps in our skincare regimen might be helping with breakouts until they are withdrawn. As your skin improves with AO2 Clear, you can taper off other products in a gradual fashion. If you started another product or medication at the same time as AO2 Clear, make sure this is not the cause of the breakouts. Other pointers: Never reuse the sponges! Clean the tray with soap and water regularly. Store the tray and the unused sponges in the supplied pouch, Ziplock bag, or other sealed container as bacteria can be aerosolized in bathrooms and colonize any products left unprotected. (Most of us know not to leave our toothbrushes out for this reason.) Finally, be consistent! Using AO2 Clear regularly and switching to a new pouch every 2-3 weeks is the best way to optimize your results.

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